Bamboo House India: The Green House of the Future

It’s not news anymore that we’re using the non-renewable resources of the planet to the point of no return. With each passing day, our overdependence on convenient energy and building solutions is putting more stress on the environment. The trend has been going on far too long with little effort to move towards a sustainable lifestyle. But the bottom line stays: to prevent the planet from permanent destruction, we need to make bigger, bolder, and braver choices. These choices center around finding sustainable, scalable, and eco-friendly options for housing, infrastructure, and energy consumption. Fortunately, people around the world are waking up to the danger of irreversible damage to the Earth and the amazing potential of cleaner alternatives. One couple from India is moving towards creating a cost-effective and greener housing infrastructure and their choice of weapon? Bamboo house. 

About Bamboo House India Company 

Bamboo House India aims to provide a sustainable means of livelihood while utilizing bamboo as the ideal replacement for other resources such as plastic, steel, and so on. Couple-preneurs Prashant and Aruna Lingam have heavily invested in the idea of a bamboo-based ecosystem that is both future-proof and ideal to inject capital in tribal and socio-economically backward areas of the country.  Bamboo House India directly contributes to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

The Bamboo House Solutions

Using bamboo for housing and infrastructure drastically reduces carbon footprints while plastic recycling aims to curb the menace of plastics, faced by the entire world. 

The Bamboo Houses

Bamboo houses are not only a cost-effective solution in comparison to the usual steel and concrete but also in the economic development of the rural communities by providing them jobs. Bamboo has a higher tensile strength than steel and its weight-to-strength ratio surpasses even graphite’s. Suffice to say, bamboo is green and strong. Houses erected by Bamboo House India abides by durability standards and other security checks employed by organizations. In comparison to average houses made of concrete, Bamboo houses tend to have a lower temperature, thereby reducing the cost of air conditioning while lasting for over 30 years. 

Bamboo Products

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Bamboo is a wonderful product that can be used in a myriad of ways. Wooden furniture exhibit a pattern of high cost but furniture made from bamboo addresses that issue. Bamboo furniture made by Bamboo House India is a cheaper alternative that is more durable and equally beautiful. 

Recycled Plastic Shelter Solutions

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Bamboo House India’s Recycled Plastic Shelter Solutions stem from two points – i) we have more plastic waste than ever, choking the lives on land and water with no permanent solution in sight ii) we have around 150 million people in the world living without a home. The plastic waste that is collected, segregated, processed, and recycled by Bamboo House India aims to answer the shelter question. The recycled plastic houses provide a cheap sheltering solution that is both durable and scalable. By actively investing in plastic shelter solutions, the company empowers the rag pickers and poverty-stricken communities. 

Why Choose Bamboo?

Bamboo House

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The Bamboo House India has put bamboo in the front and center of their business model and it’s not hard to see why. 

  • Bamboo can be harvested a lot quicker than traditional hardwoods and softwoods. It also matures faster than most hardwoods. Bamboo has the fastest growth rate for a plant in the entire world. Depending on conditions and species, bamboo can grow over a meter each day. The root system of bamboo is a comprehensive network that frequently grows new shoots without any maintenance. Moreover, bamboo can grow in a wide range of areas, regardless of the soil or climate conditions.
  • Practically, every part of bamboo can be used. Bamboo is used as charcoal, furniture, kitchenware, and flooring, and building materials. Bamboo fibers are actually stronger than wood fibers making them a lot less likely to warp in harsh weather. Cultivating bamboo leaves almost zero carbon footprint and it doesn’t require chemicals or extensive labor to harvest. Even the mulch can be used to enrich the soil.
  • Bamboo not only has very little waste, but it’s also good for the environment. In comparison to hardwoods, Bamboo absorbs more carbon dioxide and releases 35% more oxygen back to nature. Unlike hardwoods, bamboo roots are left in place after harvesting, helping in preventing soil erosion. Thanks to its intricate network of roots, bamboo is not only an ideal erosion control plant, but it’s also effective in retaining moisture and sustaining riverbanks. For the same reason, bamboo is a great line of defense against typhoons in wetlands. The resilience of bamboo translates directly into stronger houses.
  • Widespread use of bamboo is a  direct driver of economic change in rural areas. Bamboo’s market has a huge potential so tapping into bamboo will lead to development in areas of vast bamboo production. Bamboo houses and bamboo products require a lot of human labor so the bamboo industry can provide employment to marginalized communities. 

Pros & Cons of Bamboo House

Bamboo House India’s model idea is an attractive and sustainable one. 


  • Bamboo House India provides a cleaner, sustainable, cheaper, and scalable alternative to the existing housing market
  • Makes use of bamboo, which is a natural product
  • Aims to provide shelter to homeless people through recycled plastic houses. 
  • Reduces plastic waste through constructive usage
  • Promotes greener and cheaper solutions that are in line with the UN’s SDGs. 


  • Despite its incredible potential, bamboo is yet to catch up with the majority of people as a compelling choice for housing
  • The entire system is elaborate and intricate, sometimes too much for its own good

Final Thoughts 

Bamboo House India’s trust in bamboo is commendable and the company is actively working to bring bamboo to the mainstream. Be it energy consumption or housing infrastructure, moving towards a greener and sustainable solutions is important for the future. Increased focus on natural products like bamboo and recyclable plastics for better shelter solutions are definitely steps in the right direction. Bamboo House India is moving towards an exciting future and we can’t wait to see what they do to address the challenges in the coming days. 

Contact Details

If you wish to know more about the company or implement this solution, here are the contact details of Bamboo House India:

Official Website:

Address: 4-123/C/1, Street o 10, Swaroop Nagar Colony, Behind Venkateshwara Temple, Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana 500039, India



