Natel Energy: Leveraging Hydro Power Sustainably

natel energy

At a juncture where the world is making an effort to cut down on fuel emissions and adopt more and more sustainable energy solutions, Natel Energy is here with an innovative idea.  Hydro power is a well-known source of alternative energy, but its production leads to a heavy negative impact on the local ecosystem. But … Read more

SINN Power Company: Waving For A Better Future

SINN Power Company

We are at a stage where climate change is not a distant dystopia anymore. To reverse back the clock, we have an enormous amount of issues to address in ever so little time. One of the first steps is to actively look for sustainable solutions that are eco-friendly and suitable for future generations like SINN … Read more

HomeBiogas: Turning Waste into Cooking Gas


We are living in a time and age where the only way to live a better life is to embrace the world of sustainability. Unconventional methods of energy production have been quite popular since the turn of the century. With ongoing research and development, the world is slowly moving towards a sustainable revolution. At this … Read more

Smartflower: Smart & Beautiful Solar Panels

smart flower

When you think of solar energy, a roof-mounted solar panel is all you can imagine. That is the most common way to produce solar energy. It is ergonomic for sure, but the process of installation is pretty daunting. On top of that, it looks bland, and it is heavily dependent on the weather. Ever imagined a … Read more

Low-Cost Power – Waterotor Energy Technologies

Waterotor Energy

Producing sustainable, non-polluting, and cheap energy in abundance and regular supply is not easy. Solar, wind, or tidal energy are dependent on the presence of source, which itself is not available round the clock for all days on month. Thus, water can prove to be the best solution. Waterotor Energy Technologies is one of them. … Read more

Bladeless Wind Turbine: Saphon Energy

Bladeless Wind Turbine

Wind energy has been used since ages to provide energy. The earlier used process was a wing rotating in the air to generate electricity. To produce sustainable, non-polluting, and cheap energy, wind power is the best solution (Bladeless Wind Turbine). The wind is available free of cost, in abundance, is clean, and is renewable, unlike … Read more

FastOx Gasification by Sierra Energy

FastOx Gasification by Sierra Energy

Sierra Energy – Turning Any Waste Into Various Energy and Valuable Goods In July 2019, Sierra Energy earned funding as high as $33 million. The innovative company gained a lot of attention for being another new hope in the industry of renewable energy as well as waste management and pollution problems. Their product, FastOx Gasification, … Read more