Go Green With Residential Energy Storage Battery

With the requirement for energy growing by leaps and bounds in all aspects of life, it is wise to save energy for the future, instead of wasting away the excess. This is where a residential energy storage battery comes into the picture. When attached to the grid-based system, the battery stores sustainable energy and supplies it during the times when you cannot gain access to solar power or other sustainable energy resources, such as on cloudy days or after the sunset. In case there is a power outage, the battery ensures that you can charge your devices and carry out other daily activities without any interruptions. 

Things You Must Know Before Buying A Residential Energy Storage Battery 

1. Types of Residential Batteries: Lead Vs Lithium 

Lead is the good old choice for storage batteries, mostly because of its low cost and long shelf life. They require proper maintenance to ensure option functioning. However, with the arrival of modern lithium batteries, the old choices are not so popular anymore. Now you can have hassle-free energy storage for your home, within a compact model. The lithium ones trade on the expensive side, but their benefits are numerous. Lithium-ion batteries offer more depth of discharge as compared to lead-acid batteries, and they have a longer lifespan too.

2. Do You Need An Energy Storage At All? 

Energy storage systems can be beneficial for both small and large solar PV systems. The energy that remains unused throughout the day will be reserved in the storage battery. This is an economical solution to cut down your energy bills and to go grid-independent. 

For homes with larger solar panels, having an energy storage system is a must. The large panels often harness more energy than what is required during the day. The battery will store the excess energy for future use so that it doesn’t go to waste. This is a small step you can take towards embracing the power of green energy. 

Energy Storage Systems: Pros and Cons 

There is no denying the fact that energy storage batteries are a boon for your household. However, just like any other solution, they come with a fair share of perks and perils. 


  • Battery Backup

First and foremost, with a residential battery, you will be able to store energy for future consumption. The grid solar energy systems that are installed in your home harness solar power during the day. As the sun goes down, you lose your source of energy. But once you invest in a battery, you will be able to stockpile the excess energy produced during the day and use it whenever required. So even when you don’t have access to daylight, all your energy needs will be taken care of by your residential storage battery. 

  • Impact on the Environment 

Conventional energy sources, such as fossil fuel, lead to environmental pollution. But when you opt for non-traditional, sustainable energy, such as solar or wind power, you reduce the carbon footprint. This is one of the primary reasons why energy storage batteries are so much in rage today. 

  • Grid-Independent 

Solar photovoltaic systems leave you entirely dependent on the grid for power supply. However, if you wish to go grid-independent, residential energy batteries can be a viable option. Instead of staying at the mercy of the weather, you can run your electronics with the energy that your battery has stored. 

  • Compact 

Gone are the days of bulky batteries that required huge storage rooms. You can keep the modern residential batteries conveniently at any part of your house. 

  • Monitoring 

Thanks to the latest technological innovations, you can now monitor your home’s energy production and storage with ease. You can access the system whenever you want and wherever you want. To allow greater control, you can also get batteries that come with remote control options. 


  • Expensive 

One of the major drawbacks of an energy storage system is its hefty price tag. It is an additional cost that you have to bear along with your photovoltaic grid. 

  • Maintenance 

The maintenance of energy batteries is a crucial element. The process of cleaning and maintaining entirely depends on the type of battery you’re using. You have to ensure that you take the highest amounts of precautions while dealing with the battery, and don’t use anything other than distilled water to clean it. But in case you opt for the latest lithium-ion batteries, you won’t have to worry about complex cleaning procedures. 

Which is the Best Residential Energy Storage Battery? 

The market is fraught with storage batteries of different kinds, shapes, and capacities. It can be quite overwhelming to decide which one would be the best for you since the products exhibit more or less similar specifications. 

In case you’re interested in purchasing a residential energy storage battery, here are some of the best companies you can consider. 

1.Tesla Powerwall 

Residential Energy Storage

The Tesla Powerwall allows you to store energy from the solar panel or grid. With this battery’s help, you can easily power your home even when the grid is not functioning. It doesn’t require any additional fuel, nor does it make any distracting noise. You can attach it with your solar energy system and recharge the batteries using solar energy. You can either use the Powerwall as an independent unit or pair it with other Tesla items and save on your energy cost. It comes with an in-built alert system and remote control so that you can monitor the entire process of energy storage and consumption. 


  • Energy Capacity of 13.5 kWh 
  • 10 years warranty 
  • Resistant to dust and water
  • Compact design
  • Easy installation
  • Smooth backup transition 

Contact Details

Official Website: https://www.tesla.com/

Address: 3500 Deer Creek Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304, US

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tesla-motors

2. Sonnen

Residential Energy Storage

If you’re planning to switch to a clean energy storage system, Sonnen has 3 unique innovations to offer– Ecolinx, Eco, and Virtual Power Plant. Whether there is a grid outage, less access to sunlight, or any other issue, you can have a constant power supply at your place. 


  • Offers storage capacity of up to 16 kWh 
  • Costs around $5950 (Eco) 
  • Smart and clean energy 
  • Long warranty 
  • Lowers down energy expenses 

Contact Details 

Official Website: https://sonnenusa.com/en/

Address: 2048 Weems Road, Building C, Tucker, Georgia 30084, US

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sonnenusa

3. LG Chem 

Residential Energy Storage

The ESS batteries from the house of LG Chem are another great solution for your residential energy needs. If you use a PV solar energy system at your house, then you can utilize this battery for storing energy. At night, this stored energy can be of great use for carrying out the chores or other household activities. 

LG Chem has tied up with Sunrun to create the RESU batteries, with a capacity of 9.8 kWh. The starting price is $4000. 


  • Highly responsive to applications 
  • Produces higher amounts of output 
  • Stabilizes the energy system 
  • Long-lasting 
  • Sustainable energy 

Contact Details 

Official Website: https://www.lgchem.com/

Address: 20 Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-721, KR

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lg-chem

4. Nissan XSTORAGE 

Residential Energy Storage

Nissan’s XStorage recycles the Nissan electric vehicle batteries to store clean and sustainable energy for your home and business. This storage system allows you to have greater control over energy consumption from the grid, and as a consequence, you can save your hard-earned money. By leveraging the use of sustainable energy, Nissan attempts to lower down carbon dioxide emissions in the world. 


  • Capacity of 4.2 kWh 
  • Costs around $4500 
  • Recycling old vehicle batteries 

Contact Details 

Official Website: https://www.nissan.ie/

Address: Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 220-8686, JP

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nissan-motor-corporation

5. BMW 

The automotive giant BMW is gearing up to launch two energy storage batteries. As per the latest reports, the batteries will follow a sustainable approach, and they will be made by recycling the BMW i3 series batteries. 


  • Storage capacity of 22 kWh and 33 kWh 
  • Recycling old BMW batteries 
  • Sustainable 

Contact Details 

Official Website: https://www.bmw.com/

Address: Petuelring 130, Munich, 80788, DE

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bmw-group

6. Mercedes-Benz

When it comes to the automotive industry, Mercedes doesn’t need an introduction. Now, having tied up with Vivint, the company is branching out to create customized energy storage solutions for high-capacity business firms. 


  • Capacity of 2.5 kWh 
  • Has a combined storage capacity of 20 kWh
  • The cost of this system is around $13000

Contact Details 

Official Website: https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/

Address: 303 Perimeter Center North, Atlanta, GA 30346, US

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mercedes-benz-usa


Energy storage systems can be a great addition to your residential property, especially if you have a panel with more capacity. Instead of letting the energy go, you can leverage the surplus electricity to fulfill your needs. It may seem like a massive investment, but you will be able to save on your overall energy expenditure in the long run. Most significantly, you will be contributing to building a sustainable and greener world.