Green City Solutions and its role in society

Green City Solutions

In the growing trend of the new walls, the green walls with moss plants are one appreciable and beneficial one in the contaminated environment. Green City Solutions is of the leading service providers who are now working to implement for enhancing the health of the people in the building. Understanding the fact that nature is … Read more

Turbulent Hydro – A Whole New Level of A Hydropower Plant

Turbulent Hydro - A Whole New Level of A Hydropower Plant

Hydropower has been long considered as a sustainable energy generator. But since it has a few major drawbacks, the technology has not been used much. Turbulent Hydro came to the rescue by eliminating the weakness of the hydropower. The innovation makes the idea of hydropower is no longer resistible. What is Turbulent Hydro? Turbulent hydro … Read more

Janicki Omniprocessor; The Advanced All-in-One Technology for A Cleaner Earth

Janicki Omniprocessor; The Advanced All-in-One Technology for A Cleaner Earth

Although it doesn’t seem to be a big problem in developed countries, sanitation is still a major concern in many poor countries. The need for effective bio-waste management is crucial, judging for the high number of hygiene-related diseases. Janicki OmniProcessor turned out to be a wonderful solution for this issue. Furthermore, innovation goes beyond expectations. … Read more